#No.1 #Best Quality Assurance Quality Control Course In #Shamsabad #20

Rawalpindi, Punjab | Ad ID: 481285 |

#No.1 #Best Quality Assurance Quality Control Course in #Shamsabad #20 Services in Pakistan

International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd
Head Office :
Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza
Airies Plaza, Shamsabad, Murree Road,
Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000.
Email : [email protected]
Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949
#No.1 #Best Quality Assurance Quality Control Course in #Shamsabad #2023
Quality Assurance Quality Control QA/QC course focused on general industry standard and procedures to adherence to specifications and requirements of improving quality of the final product, reducing errors and on improving overall organization of work.Quality assurance is a subset of quality management. QA involves a set of activities and procedures occurring during product development that helps ensure a high-quality release. QA includes team members from across the software development organization discussing, planning and executing tests to validate product quality.QA establishes policies and procedures that affect the entire organization. Additionally, QA requires adherence to standards defined by the business as well as any applicable technical standards, such as ISO 25010, or industry standards, such as HIPAA for healthcare organizations. The organization must establish QA policies to ensure every product release meets these standards.Quality Assurance Quality Control QA/QC training course help you to learn the fundamentals to achieve maximum customer satisfaction at the lowest total cost by focusing on delivering a quality product or service by improving your management processes, or set up a better quality management system.
Course Outline:
History of quality control, modern quality control philosophy, Design-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control paradigm, methods for describing variation including histograms, stem-and-leaf plots, box plots, discrete and continuous random variables, probability plots, statistical inference methods, design of control charts for variable and attribute data including X-bar, R, S, CUSUM, MA and EWMA charts, sensitizing rules including Western Electric guidelines, average run length, process characterization and capability analysis, gauge R&R studies, design of experiments with emphasis on factorial design, sampling inspection, attribute and variable acceptance plans, six-sigma and TQM.
Quality Assurance Quality Control QA/QC training course help you to learn the fundamentals to achieve maximum customer satisfaction at the lowest total cost by focusing on delivering a quality product or service by improving your management processes, or set up a better quality management system.
#No.1 #Best Quality Assurance Quality Control Course in #Shamsabad #20 services are available in Pakistan at affordable price.

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